Monday, August 3, 2009

Racing toward retirement day two ( minus 44)

Forty-four days to go to my actual retirement. I find the need to make plans--many plans. I don't want to wake up on September 15th and not know what to do. My plan won't be a so-called bucket list. I don't intend to kick that bucket anytime sooon. But I do want to know what kind of structue my days will have. I like structure. I like things to be in their place. So, what will my days be like

I won't have an office to go to, so I have to create an office-like atmosphere at home. A place to do the business of life. A place to comfortably blog, answer email, pay bills, etc. etc. Trying to create that place in an 850 square foot condo is not easy. I am still in the thinking stage about that. I do feel, however, that I have to make it look kind of like an office, not a TV room. So, as I said, I am still thinking about that.

In terms of what do do every day, I have one responsibility that is probably not going to go away anytime soon. I am a care coordinator for a senior with chonic health problems. At 7 a.m. each morning I am the person that checks in to make sure all is well, give some medication, and be on my way.

Since I won't have to "go to work" anymore after this morning assignment, I intend to walk instead of drive to this patient's home. This accomplishes one of my goals--walk more, drive less. And, affording me a two-fur: Walking and saving money at the same time. On the othr hand, if there is a driving rain do I still walk or do I drive. Hate to say it, but "driving rain" is aptly named. I will drive in a driving rain.

So, it looks like my morning ritual will include a 30 minute walk. Sounds good; what next? My current ritual includes a stop at the local coffee shop for a $2 iced coffee. My plan is to save that $2 and make my own at home. That adds up potentially to a savings of about $700 a year! Not to mention the carbon footprint of 350 or so large plastic cups. And although I tried faithfully to recycl all those cups, one or two perhaps ended up in a landfill.

So, walking and saving gas, making my own coffee and saving dollars and plastic. Sounds good so far.

Back to my new "office" to check emails, read news on Fox or Bing, blog, and do whatever paper work is needed. Pick up the house, finish coffee, then what? Okay, it's now 8:30 a.m. Meetings? Hopefully! The plan needs perfecting. I'll think about it and get back to you.

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